test case

The Bottom Line

More Links Less Pain

Fire&Spark saw their outreach process and its results go through a complete transformation. Where the idea of new link building projects once elicited collective groans from their team, they are now confident in their abilities.

Pitchbox has helped them tackle the bounce rate issue, improve response rates, and build more links for their clients than ever before.

“We don’t groan when we start a link building project any more. When we talk to clients, we can say that thanks to Pitchbox, we’re confident that we can get you X number of links each month.”

Jack Kolis Head of Growth at Moosend

The Bottom Line

More Links Less Pain

Fire&Spark saw their outreach process and its results go through a complete transformation. Where the idea of new link building projects once elicited collective groans from their team, they are now confident in their abilities.

Pitchbox has helped them tackle the bounce rate issue, improve response rates, and build more links for their clients than ever before.

“We don’t groan when we start a link building project any more. When we talk to clients, we can say that thanks to Pitchbox, we’re confident that we can get you X number of links each month.”

Fire&Spark saw their outreach process and its results go through a complete transformation. Where the idea of new link building projects once elicited collective groans from their team, they are now confident in their abilities.

“We don’t groan when we start a link building project any more. When we talk to clients, we can say that thanks to Pitchbox, we’re confident that we can get you X number of links each month.”

– Jack Kolis

Pitchbox has helped them tackle the bounce rate issue, improve response rates, and build more links for their clients than ever before.

“As we’ve been able to expand our goals and get more links for our clients, we’ve seen them expand their budgets because they’re happy with our link building. BOTTOM” Jack Kolis

The Bottom Line

More Links Less Pain

Fire&Spark saw their outreach process and its results go through a complete transformation. Where the idea of new link building projects once elicited collective groans from their team, they are now confident in their abilities.

Jack Kolis

“We don’t groan when we start a link building project any more. When we talk to clients, we can say that thanks to Pitchbox, we’re confident that we can get you X number of links each month.”

The Bottom Line

More Links Less Pain

Fire&Spark saw their outreach process and its results go through a complete transformation. Where the idea of new link building projects once elicited collective groans from their team, they are now confident in their abilities.

Pitchbox has helped them tackle the bounce rate issue, improve response rates, and build more links for their clients than ever before.

“We don’t groan when we start a link building project any more. When we talk to clients, we can say that thanks to Pitchbox, we’re confident that we can get you X number of links each month.”

Jack Kolis Head of Growth at Moosend

Jack and Lili referenced a particular client where they were looking to double their links each month. In the last two months with Pitchbox, they have delivered over 300% of the usual number of links each month for that client.