Related Opportunities, Blocklist Reasons, and Migration History

At Pitchbox we take good feedback to heart.

Our latest update is inspired by our good friends in the Netherlands, BibiBuzz. As SEO experts and link building pros, they understand the importance of good data.

Amsterdam city

To help you enhance organization and maintain precise, detailed records, we’re introducing three brand new, BibiBuzz-inspired CRM features.

  • Related Opportunities
  • Blocklist Reasons
  • Migration History

Related Opportunities

To help you stay organized and leverage insights for Crossover Opportunities, we’re introducing a brand new section to the Opportunity Details page called Related Opportunities.

Related Opportunities Pitchbox

Related Opportunities lets you see key insights at a glance for any Opportunities that have multiple records (aka Crossovers), including when the Opportunity was added, where, the status, and if it was added to a Blocklist.

These additional details allow for greater transparency and make it even easier to collaborate with your team, especially when working within multiple Projects.

Blocklist Reasons

With the new Blocklist Reasons functionality, you can maintain a full, transparent record of sites added to your blocklists (Global or Project-Specific) with additional detail for why.

Blocklist Reasons can be created and edited by Admins in your account. 

blocklist reasons Pitchbox
<br>Any time a site is <a href=httpshelppitchboxcomhcen usarticles4409372675095 What s the Blocklist and How do I Add Something to It target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>added to a Blocklist<a> you are able to select a reason whether thats in bulk from the Prospecting Blocklist or manually when curating lists in the workflow
add to blocklist reason Pitchbox

By incorporating Blocklist Reasons into your SOPs, you can establish definitive records and leverage Blocklist-related insights.

Migration History

In addition to Related Opportunities, you may see another new section on Opportunity Details called Migration History.

migration History Pitchbox

Migration History appears on the Opportunity Details display for opportunities that have been moved between different campaigns.

With Migration History, you have a clear record for all movements made by a specific opportunity.

In Conclusion: More CRM Features

We understand that each outreach team is different and has its own particular SOPs. We hope that these new features improve transparency, aid collaboration, and help you maintain concise records.

Thanks again to Bibi Raven and her team! We’ll be eating pickled herring in your honor. 🐟 😁

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